Last night I was asked to share with the investigator how I came to know that The Book of Mormon is true, a typical question which I have been asked hundreds of times. Indeed, my answer could be summarised into one sentence: I know The Book of Mormon is true because I know some parts...
Category: Critical Thinking
“Since I started to collect cognitive errors, people often ask me how I manage to live an error-free life. The answer is: I don’t. In fact, I don’t even try.”
Something That Is Not David
“Since Benjamin Franklin’s kite-flying days, thunder and lightning have not grown less frequent, powerful, or loud – but they have grown less worrisome. This is exactly how I feel about my irrationality now.” As mentioned in the previous article, we are descendants of those hunter-gathers with quick thinking and fast reactions, and thus, it is...
The Hot and Cold Theories about Thinking Errors
不久前学妹送我一本书——The Art of Thinking Clearly,书中介绍了99种思维错误(thinking errors),大概是由于我笑点比较奇怪的缘故吧,读这本书时会不时地乐出来,还挺有意思。不过,把玩笑放在一边,既然之前答应学妹要写些读后感,就不能只是笑笑而已了;我在读的时候主动地带入了几个问题:有的问题在读了几章之后便得到了答案,有的问题却要读完整本书后才敢谈论一二,当然也有到现在依然令我困惑的问题。 其中一个很重要的问题就是:究竟什么是思维错误?书中虽没有详细的论述,但是后记中对于两种理论的介绍却引起了我极大的兴趣。下面就是我针对这两种理论的一些拙见,只当抛砖引玉,希望能够听到更多不同的、精彩的声音。
昨天在百度上搜索浪漫主义运动的内容,被其中一句话所深深打动:“出于自利,人类变成了群居性的,但是在本能上一直依然非常孤独。”第一眼看到它,我便被它吸引住了,说得那么贴切,那么符合我的心境。 自利。真的,人就是自利的。往往,对于那些相信自利是人的本能的人来说,任何利他的行为都是为了使自己在长期获益。我不以为然。每每读到这种想法,都想吐槽一句:"as if you know what will happen in the long run." 什么是本能?本能就是我们不需要思考就会去遵循的内在特质。如果自利是人的本能,那就意味着我们的第一念就应是利己的。我们本来就是自私的,我们的本能就是在第一念想到自己。利他的行为怎么解释呢?我想,应该是利他的行为会给施与者带来一种瞬间、即时的快感和自我满足感吧。这种快感兴许会被长期带来的利益所加深。哦,不,那不是长期的利益,但只是你懵懂无知,自己想像出来的长期获益罢了。在我看来,自利并不是使自己得到的利益最大化,而是使自己感到的利益最大化。无论如何,人都是被感情所控制的。【乱入:如此看来,为何经济学要把“理智人”假设成“唯利人”呢?唯利并不是理智的产物,只不过是人本能的欲望和情感罢了。】
Thoughts on Doubting
Last morning, we were asked to share our VJC story during Civics Lesson. I ended my reflection with the following remark:"It's okay for us to have doubts about our dreams, cos if we are not doubting, we are not thinking." It sounded reasonably true, didn't it? However, to be honest, I personally doubt whether the process of doubting...